Thursday, 9 September 2010

God works in mysterious ways... And blindingly obvious ones too sometimes.

So, this Saturday, September 11th 2010, marks the 9th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York. It is also the date circled on Reverend Terry Jones' calendar as the day he will burn 150-200 Qu'rans to send a "message of defiance" to Muslim extremists.

Rev. Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center based in Gainsville, Florida, claims that God himself gave him the idea and that only God would be able to convince Jones to change his mind. God has, so far, remained tight-lipped. However, other notable people haven't. For example, the burning has been condemned by President Obama, Hilary Clinton, NATO, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, General David Petraeus and the Vatican amongst many others.

Reverend Terry Jones outside the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida

It all rather reminds me of that joke about the Christian man whose town is flooded. As the water floods the ground floor of his house a neighbour comes by in a rowing boat and tells him to get in. The man replies 'No, God will save me'. A bit later, when the water has completely flooded the ground floor and the man has moved to the second floor of his house, another boat comes by and he is told to come aboard and be saved. The man again replies 'No, God will save me'. Shortly afterwards the water has risen still further and the man has clambered onto his roof. A helicopter appears and throws down a rope ladder, and the crew tell him to climb up. The man says 'No, God will save me'. The helicopter flies off and soon the man drowns. When he arrives in heaven, with broken faith, he finds God and says 'I have been a devout Christian and believed in you my entire life, why didn't you save me?' God responds 'What are you talking about? I sent you two boats and a helicopter'.

Hopefully Reverend Jones will get on the boat.